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It's quick and easy to sign up for our gift registry! Just enter your name, the date of the event for which you are registering (if applicable), and a shipping address if you would like gifts to be sent directly to you. Then select a user name and password to use when you want to add or modify items you've added to the directory, choose whether you want the list to be visible only to yourself or to the general public, and submit to be registered.


Enter your address if you want people to ship items directly to you. Your address will be publicly displayed on our site:

Please select a user name and password to use when adding items to the registry.

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Heart of Amber - a blend of rose and vanilla oils Blissful Bergamot - bergamot essential oil Lady Lavender - organic lavender essential oil Peaceful Peony - peony fragrance oil TaeBear Pear - fresh pear fragrance oil Radiant Rosemary - rosemary essential oils Sandalwood - sandalwood and vanilla essential oils Rich Vetiver - vetiver oil and grapefruit DanTer Spice - a blend of cinnamon & vanilla essential oils Au Drey Unscented - unscented 100% All You!

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